Stress Resilienz | unwindyourmind
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Stress  less
Perform  better

Your place to learn dealing with stress for

your mind



100% flexible and easy accessible for everyone.


The world is changing rapidly. Every day there are so many new information we need to digest without knowing how. The amount of distractions causes sleep issues (insomnia), anxiety and panic attacks. Chronic stress affects your health. Recent numbers and studies show that stress increases costs and sickness rates, while affecting creativity and efficiency negatively.

Dealing better with stress on all levels - an holistic approach.

Future of Work

What skills do we need and how do we structure the new normal? We are creating the transformation that's needed with you together!

Training and education

Content and knowledge in snackable bites and formats to allow a sustainable transfer into daily habits.

Together we'll reach our goals faster and more efficient. Learn out loud and inspire each other in our community. 

We offer high quality sessions either live or on-demand for all levels.



We'll support you in learning stress coping mechanisms. Either through active movement (yoga, pilates) or with mental tools (meditation, other training methods) - for everyone we'll have the right tool. We'll add products and services and soon you'll have access to webinars, master classes and more.


You want to enhance the wellbeing of your team or employees? You want something special for an offsite or event? Get in touch and see what kind of workshop you're looking for and how we can support you in achieving your goals.

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Online Trainings

Unsere Mission ist es Wissen nachhaltig in den Alltag zu integrieren, deshalb gibt es unsere online Trainings. Unsere Gründerin Julia hat all ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrungen in den Trainings zusammengetragen. Hinzukommen viele Ausbildungen und Weiterbildungen, deren Inhalte sich ebenfalls in den Trainings widerspiegeln. 


Unsere Gründerin Julia hat viel Erfahrung auf nationalem und internationalem Parkett gesammelt. Bei Amazon war sie für fünf unterschiedliche Länder im Employer Branding und HR Marketing verantwortlich. Sie kann bei Neuorientierung, Prozessumgestaltung, interner und externer Kommunikation, Unternehmenskultur Kreierung und vielen weiteren Punkten helfen.

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Our Purpose

Hi I''m Julia, Founder
My vision? Show people various opportunities to cope with stress. I, personally, always want to get everything done - in one day of course. This is why I'd like to offer various ways for everyone to find and create their own path in managing stress. 

Maybe you're one of those people who can't reduce stress for various reasons. Which is why creating stress coping mechanisms is something that could work for you instead.  

Stress isn't something bad in general. We need it as incentive or to keep going. The only bad thing about stress is that for some of us it never stops. Nowadays, in a world where the higher, faster, better approach is in place more people than ever are impacted by the continuous presence of stress and this can make us sick. Unfortunately, most of us don't even realize the impact or stress itself. We find other reasons for insomnia, our general restlessness or that we tend to forget or mess up things.

The offers we have at unwind your mind are diverse and therefore we believe that there's something that will suit you for sure.


  • To reduce stress hormones you can do yoga omove in any other session. We offer live sessions and have a massive on-demand section.

  • Meditation could be another tool to increase your concentration or efficiency.

  • In case you're looking to build a routine or support your team in building one our assistant can be the right tool.

  • We help on an individual level. Whether it's workshops or consultant work - get in touch and see what we can help you with.

Stress makes us sick

â–º Increased burn out rates

â–º Sleep issues

â–º Focus problems 

â–º Reduced empathy (leadership quality)

â–º Higher health risks (stroke, heart attack, ...)

Your digital market place

for stress management

Our holistic approach focusses on integrating exercises into your daily life.


Get access to meditations, mindfulness and movement sessions, to reduce stress and increase your focus

Get access to our online gym. Train with physiotherapists and other (yoga) teachers to establish a healthy and sustainable routine.


higher performance










In terms of leadership:

Stress impacts leadership skills. Being kind and empathetic are key for emotional intelligence. This however is important for (digital) leadership and impacts job satisfaction and performance.






higher performance


Source: Bertelsmann study Leadership, Health & Resilience

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